Bucket List

Platforms: Gear VR.
Release date: 10 May 2015


The Bucket List VR app allows you to experience an amazing selection of Virtual Reality bucket list activities without having to worry about the travel, cost or dangers normally involved in these activities.


If you haven’t heard about the term “bucket list”, it is a list of dreams someone wants to fulfill or a set of activities you want to experience before you die. For most people it is impossible to see all the sites or experience all the activities they wanted to during their lives. In order for those people to get a taste of some amazing bucket list activities we are developing the Bucket List VR app for Gear VR.


Navigating the Bucket List VR App content and options are controlled by the touch pad and gaze of the user. Once the user is in the app there are several content categories to select. Adding an experience or activity to your personal Bucket List VR is really easy, just tap the touchpad when the pointer is placed on the heart symbol.

  • To move to a category, the user swipes in a single motion, forwards or backwards across the touch pad.
  • To move to an item, the user swipes in a single motion, downwards or upwards across the touch pad.
  • To play an item, move your head to place the on-screen pointer onto the play button and tap the touchpad.
  • To add an item to your Bucket List VR, move your head to place the on-screen pointer onto the heart and tap the touchpad.


Bucket List VR allows users to experience things a person wants to do before they “kick the bucket.” The experiences are listed in several categories for easy navigation. Bucket List VR will contain loads of experiences and activities, some will be linear and others will allow the user to navigate a historic site Our Bucket List VR Facebook App allows users to share experiences and invite friends. This Facebook integration is highly desirable because often activities on a person’s bucket list are social. Due to the time constraints in this project we did not prioritize this Facebook integration but we have it on our development roadmap. Innovation

Our Bucket List VR App combines the intuitive controls of the Gear VR with the Google’s material design guidelines that offers the best user experience. The clean design and horizontal and vertical navigation provide an easy to use app.

This product was made for the Oculus Gear VR Jam, you can find the submission page here: http://devpost.com/software/bucket-list